Kalanchoë Mozaic
One very special feature
This kalanchoe can change color. Yes, you heard that right: you determine the color of the flowers! The flowers change color under the influence of temperature and light. Inside or outside; exactly the same plant, but a completely different look. Which color do you choose?

Care tips
Kalanchoë Mozaic has all the strong properties of the common kalanchoe and is therefore certainly not demanding, even when it comes to its location. The kalanchoe can be kept indoors all year round, but as soon as the night frost has passed, kalanchoë Mozaic can also be placed outside.
The color change takes place under the influence of temperature and light. With a lower temperature and a lot of light (outdoors), the colors become more intense, higher temperatures and less light (indoors) cause lighter colors.
Both outside and inside, Kalanchoë Mozaic likes a light position, direct sunlight is no problem. Do not overwater the Kalanchoë Mozaic! Once every two weeks is enough, but keep an eye on the soil to see if it’s necessary. Has it been raining hard and is the kalanchoë outside? Make sure that no water remains in the pot, otherwise the roots will rot. It is best to leave the faded flowers so that the new flower buds are not damaged.
Use the care tips and professional photos of kalanchoë Mozaic for the layout of your flyer!